Monday, February 21, 2011

Raven's Roost III

Parkway Series #310   12 x 16   oil    Sold

I am working on a website with galleries listed according to specific places/mileposts and specific seasons on the Parkway.   Rather than scrolling through 300 paintings on my blog, this option will make it much easier to find a painting.  I love this vista from Raven's Roost and needed another painting of this incredible overlook at milepost 10.7 to add to my upcoming gallery.


  1. Goodness! A painting a day for a year! Totally amazing. You are an incredible friend to the Blue Ridge. I've only painted two small watercolors of it and both were from photos I took. I have next to no plein air experience, but I wouldn't mind joining you one day to give it a try. I live in Blacksburg so getting to the Blue Ridge in that area is not hard.

  2. Gerri, I will email when I get a group together.
