Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Son-lit Trees

Parkway Series #258   12 x 16    oil    $95.

In this fast paced, modern world we very seldom slow down enough to enjoy a group of sunlit trees.  Even on the Parkway, motorists speed past such sights on their way to who knows where.  But we can summon in our mind's eye the memory of blue skies and yellow trees and purple shadows - not a bad image to reflect on when life starts closing in.  The connection with nature is healing and as an artist, I have thoroughly enjoyed bringing a sense of beauty and awe of our Parkway landscapes to all those who have followed this journey over the past year.  My time on the Parkway has been physically, and emotionally and spiritually rejuvenating; when I am painting, time stands still and I soak in the healing power of the Artist who  so graciously gave us His Masterpiece of Creation to live in.  

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