Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Focusing on the Light

Parkway Series #374    16 x 20    oil   Sold

This is another remake; the painting originally had colors that were too harsh.  After softening the oranges and adding purple to the background colors I believe the painting is more effective in focusing on the incredible light coming through the trees. After a year of daily painting, the ability to critique my own paintings has improved.  Even though I have a long way to go, it is encouraging to feel more confident in the growth that has been achieved.


  1. The light is so symbolic, and important to us this time of year. You captured it well.

  2. p.s. I'm looking forward to growing this year, artistically, too, through much use of neglected skills. Your comments inspire me.

  3. Thanks, Josie, it's all about practice!
